A Guide to Why You Should Buy Memory Foam Pillow

A good night’s sleep is essential for physical and mental health. It is absolutely important to rejuvenate the body, revitalize the mind and wake up fresh in a new day. It is of the essence then that you sleep in the cozy room, on a comfortable bed with relaxing mattress and pillow. over the years we’ve all invested a great deal in the most comfortably sized beds and mattresses, but we have completely ignored the third vital unit for good sleep- the pillow.

If you are one who cannot sleep without a pillow, it is vital that you get yourself a memory foam pillow. Memory foam pillow is specially designed with a heat reactive insulator cushion and it can adapt the contours of your head and neck when you’re sleeping to offer utmost comfort. When the pressure is released, it returns back to its original shape. Due to its ability to adapt to the user’s head and neck, a memory foam pillow is considered to be the best memory foam pillow to help you get better sleep.

What is a Memory Foam Pillow?

Memory foam, also called the viscoelastic foam, consists of the foamed polyurethane with additional chemicals to increase density and viscosity. The foam cells or bubbles remain open for effectively creating a matrix through which air can easily move. Memory foam was first discovered under a contract by NASA while looking into new materials to increase cushion safety. Memory foam gives the pillow a major facet, owing to the material’s high densities, the pillow reacts to body heat for conforming and molding itself as per the user’s body within a couple of minutes. At low densities, memory foam is pressure-sensitive and reacts quickly to body shape.

Why Replace Old Pillow with Memory Foam Pillow?

You might feel comfortable with your old pillow but it needs to go out of your bedroom if it’s too old. This is because your old pillow is likely to cause the following problems:

It might cause acne

After a long day when you sleep on your pillow, you press your face against the dirt and dead skin that has accumulated on the pillow over time. This dirt when comes in contact with your face can cause acne. Usually, acne can develop due to bacteria present on your phone or other devices but the pillow is the most common suspect.

It cannot hold your head up anymore

If you wash your pillow, it eventually breaks down and all its fluffiness is gone after some time. If your pillow is getting lumpy, you need a new one for sure.

It’s a buffet for dust mites

As mentioned before, your pillow accumulates a lot of dust and dead skin. Therefore, a pillow is a huge buffet of dust for mites to fill up their empty stomach. You may not be able to see these tiny arthropods with a naked eye, but they feed on human dead cells, leaving your skin irritated or itchy at times.


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