In the fast paced, neck breaking speed of metros, managing stress and work life balance is extremely difficult. And the lack of proper sleep severely multiplies the problem. According to a study, Indians are the most sleep deprived and some of the poorest sleepers in the world. The percentage of sleep deprived people in India is as high as 93%. 72% of Indians are waking up one to three times per night. Sleep deprivation can seriously affect the mental well being and health of a person that reduces mental alertness considerably.
Noida is a bustling city and its neighborhood Ghaziabad is a well known industrial hub. Life in Ghaziabad is fast paced with all the vices of a modern city. High stress is coupled with factors like long travel hours, irregular schedules and changing sleep patterns that exacerbate the situation.
There are several products in the market that aid sleep and provide relief from many physical ailments while sleeping at night using the latest market innovation in their product.
At Sleepsia we understand the importance of sound sleep. With our years of research into cooling pillows, we have come up with a whole new range of latest and the best in class Memory Foam Pillow with several enhancements. Memory foam maintains the right amount of softness and in reaction to body heat, it molds itself to the body outline.