How our Sleep Quality Affects our Health and Wellbeing

Sleep is one of the most important parts of our life; we sleep each day for relaxation of our body. As per survey, we sleep 36% of our life or spend one-third of life sleeping. Therefore, sleeping plays an important role in our life.

Sleep fulfills multiple purposes that are necessary to our body and brain. Let us discuss the Science of Sleep

The main aim of sleep is restoration:
Each day, our brain accumulates metabolic waste as it goes about its common neutral behavior. During this, it is totally normal that there is excessive accumulation of waste products which are linked to neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease, etc.

The other purpose of sleep is consolidation of memory:
Sleeping time is very important to strengthen and maintain long-term memories. Fragmented and insufficient sleep can hamper the ability to form both emotional memories and concrete memories (figures and facts).

Sleep is also important for metabolic health: When a person sleeps 5.5 hours per night instead of 8 hours per night, leads to inferior quantity of energy and more fat. On the other hand, abnormal sleep cycles or insufficient sleep can lead to metabolic syndrome and insulin insensitivity, thus, increasing the risk of heart disease and risk of diabetes.

Why Quality Sleep is Important for Everyone?

Many of us don’t know about the essential elements to get a good night’s sleep.

If anyone skips sleep even for a night, it can cause irritable moods, drowsiness, concentration problems. Moreover, it leads to work getting affected the next day.

Health issue due to lack of sleep can lead to:

•    Increased stress
•    Disturbed mood/ extreme mood swings etc.

Good sleep offers great comfort throughout the day as brain works well. As a result, people can start their day on a good note. Good choice of pillows is also essential. Sleepsia Contour Memory Foam Pillows are the best choice for all kinds of people with varying needs or health issues like cervical, snoring, etc.

Many times we cannot enjoy a sound sleep due to wrong selection of pillow. If the customer doesn’t choose the right pillow for themselves, it can create a major issue with their health in the long term.

Sleepsia has introduced excellent quality memory foam pillows for all customers. Moreover, it is extremely affordable. Customers can also do bulk purchasing by calling on the toll free helpline number 1800-833-6688 or visit our website

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